How I Love Thee Yodlee
For anyone unaware, Yodlee Moneycenter is an online aggregation tool for checking all your banking, credit cards, investment, rewards programs, and pretty much anything else that has your information on a website. I login every day in the morning, update all my information, and can view all my balances and transactions in one easy to read screen.
The main negative is that if someone did hack my account, they would have access to all my financial login information. A valid concern, but a risk I am willing to live with for the convience it provides. Also since I do use Yodlee every day I am hopeful I would be able to catch any such intrusion immediatly.
With the recent rollout of their new version it was extremely buggy and virtually unusable for a week or so and thats when I learned how much I rely on it. A lot of people have moved to HSBC's Easyview or similar service which uses older versions of Yodlee because they like the old interface (or perhaps are afraid of change), but now that they have fixed the bugs I have learned to love the new interface as I did the old.
Another thing I love is that there is a Yodlee forum where you can post bugs or new site requests and usually get a response. You can usually find me on there harassing them to add local accounts that probably only about 10 other people would use. They also used to frequest the Fatwallet finance forum and respond to the thread in there as well, but seem to have ceased since the creation of their own forum unfortunatly.
Give it a try.
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